Outsource Advising
Is outsourcing a viable option for your organization?
What are the advantages and disadvantages to outsourcing? Can you outsource a portion of your transactions and achieve the desired results? These and many other questions surface when the subject of outsourcing is discussed within any company.
Recognizing the Risks
Exploring the opportunities that outsourcing provides for an organization has been compared to entering a mine field without armor unless you have extensive expertise to guide you through the evaluation and decision making process. Our first goal is ensure you are exploring this concept with the correct risk assessment and financial realities. The numbers of times that organizations have made this decision to outsource and have done so without proper guidance and failed are numerous.
Making the Right Decision
the First Time
We ask the right questions of senior management to uncover what the true needs of the organization
are. Is this strictly cost reduction related? Is it dissatisfaction with the operation of their current contact
centers? Is it a need to provide additional business continuity protection without the expense of
opening new centers? Is it the desire to provide off peak coverage more effectively?
When these questions are answered and the proper analysis is conducted, we are then ready to work with the client in a variety of capacities including:
- RFP development and analysis, identification of suitable vendors, management of the RFP process, contract review and negotiation
- Coordination and project management of the on-boarding and implementation of the outsourcer
- On-going assessment of the outsourcer’s performance
- Issues dealing with the post-merger/acquisition of companies with outsourced operations
- Business process redesign both pre and post outsourcer implementation
- Project management to bring back volumes in-house that were previously outsourced